Upcoming events
27.-28. Sept. 2021
The 2021 annual meeting of the FOR2953 will take place in Hannover from September 27Â - 28, 2021. Save the date!
Annual meeting 2021
28.-29. Sept. 2021
In conjunction with the 2021 annual meeting, FOR2953 will host its first ever Glycoscience Teaching Workshop on September 28 and 29, 2021.
Glycoscience Teaching Workshop
Virtual event
7.-8. Oct. 2021
31st Joint Glycobiology Meeting 2021
The annual Joint Glycobiology Meeting (JGM) is an initiative of the Dutch, French, Belgian and German study groups for Glycobiology and offers an ideal opportunity for PhD students and post-docs to present their work. Sessions consist of invited keynote speakers and oral contributions selected from submitted abstracts. This year´s meeting will be held in an online format. The conference admission is free of charge to enable active participation of as many young scientists as possible.