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Preliminary program

Day 1 | Monday, October 09

The registration desk will be open for check-in from 2 pm

16:00 – 16:05      Opening of the Symposium

16:05 – 16:20      Introduction & FOR2953 Overview

16:20 – 16:55      Invited Lecture     Adrian Erlebacher, San Francisco, USA

                                 An unexpected role for antigen glycosylation in fetomaternal tolerance

16:55 – 17:30      Invited Lecture     Matthew Macauley, Alberta, Canada

                                 New roles for Siglecs in health and disease

17:30 – 17:55      FOR2953 Talk       Lars Nitschke, Erlangen, Germany

                                 The importance of sialoglycans for lymphocyte survival

17:55 – 18:20      FOR2953 Talk       Anja Münster-Kühnel, Hannover, Germany

                                 The impact of sialylation on kidney development and function: Lessons from mouse models

18:30 – 21:00      Welcome Reception (Wine, beer, soft drinks and finger food)

Day 2 | Tuesday, October 10

08:55 – 09:00      Opening Day 2

09:00 – 09:35      Invited Lecture     Salomé Pinho, Porto, Portugal

                                 N-glycans as key checkpoints in immunity: from development to autoimmune diseases

09:35 – 10:10      Invited Lecture     Jeffrey V. Ravetch, New York, USA                                

                                 IgG Fc sialylation modulates innate and adaptive immune responses

10:10 – 10:45      Invited Lecture     Yvette van Kooyk, Amsterdam, Netherlands

                                 Sialic acid-Siglec interactions in the tumor microenvironment, novel immune checkpoints

10:45 – 11:30      Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:05      Invited Lecture     Heinz Läubli, Basel, Switzerland

                                 Targeting cancer-associated sialylation for cancer immunotherapy

12:05 – 12:30      FOR2953 Talk        Herbert Hildebrandt, Hannover, Germany

                                 Polysialic acid-Siglec immune checkpoints in glioblastoma and myelin repair

12:30 – 12:55      FOR2953 Talk       Thilo Stehle, Tübingen, Germany

                                 Structural analyses of polysialic acid-binding proteins            

13:00 – 14:00      Lunch

14:00 – 16:30      Poster Session

16:30 – 17:05      Invited Lecture     Vered Padler-Karavani, Tel Aviv, Israel

                                 Sialoglycans immunity in human diseases

17:05 – 17:40      Invited Lecture     Dirk Lefeber, Nijmegen, Netherlands

                                 Cell-specific mechanisms in sialic acid metabolism

17:40 – 18:05      FOR2953 Talk       Martina Mühlenhoff, Hannover, Germany

                                 Decoding the sialic acid O-acetylome

18:05 – 18:30      FOR2953 Talk       Falk Büttner, Hannover, Germany

                                 Advances in glycosphingolipid-analytics fostering biomedical research

19:00            -        Conference Dinner    -

Day 3 | Wednesday, October 11

08:30 – 08:35      Opening Day 3

08:35 – 09:10      Invited Lecture     Christoph Schmidt, Ulm, Germany

                                 Sialic acids unlock the complement regulator Factor H from its less active conformation

09:10 – 09:35      FOR2953 Talk       Markus Abeln, Hannover, Germany

                                 Placental inflammation in sialoglycan-deficient pregnancies

09:35 – 10:10      Invited Lecture     Simonetta Sipione, Alberta, Canada

                                 Novel roles of gangliosides in extracellular vesicles secretion and in microglia

10:10 – 10:35      FOR2953 Talk        Harald Neumann, Bonn, Germany

                                 Therapeutic potential of low molecular weight polysialic acid for neuroinflammatory diseases

10:35 – 11:10      Coffee Break

11:10 – 11:45      Invited Lecture     René E. M. Toes, Leiden, Netherlands

                                 Bitter sweet symphony; the impact of sugars on autoimmunity in rheumatoid arthritis

11:55 – 12:20      FOR2953 Talk       Anja Werner, Erlangen, Germany

                                 The role of alpha2,6-sialylation on B cell development            

12:20 – 12:55       Invited Lecture     Herta Steinkellner, Vienna, Austria

                                 Engineering of complex glycosylation in plants

12:55 – 13:00     Closing Remarks 

13:00            -        Lunch Snack & Farewell    -


Registration includes: 

  • Access to all sessions

  • Welcome reception on Monday, 9 October

  • Coffee and lunch on the Symposium days as indicated in the program

Accommodation is not included in the registration fee. Attendees are responsible for making their own accommodation arrangements. 

Please note that the total number of participants is limited. We therefore advise you to register as soon as possible.


Click here to register!


Pelikanplatz 31 | 30177 Hannover, Germany

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